Friday, April 24, 2020

Assessment Three

100 words

Through the process of drawing, both by hand and digitally, and model making, "Tread Lightly" explores the impacts of spatial organisation interweaved with the introduction of more natural lighting. By rearranging the spaces and furnishings within them, and incorporating more windows, an originally enclosed room can be opened up to create a more spacious place. As shown in this video, the alignment of the sleep, work and recreation spaces with the trajectory of the sun, achieves light in the desired rooms at the most appropriate times, according to daily activities. The new design has allowed this space to become a more supportive environment; allowing for greater organisation and comfortability. 

3 minute presentation

3D modelling - Initials

Screenshots of the 3D model STL file

Laser cut model template

Best 5 models

Model 1: First paper model of my original space

Scale 1:50

Model 2: Paper model of newly designed room
Three additional spaces:
- Recreation space, walk-in wardrobe, balcony

Scale 1:40, figure 1.7m real life height

 Model 3: Folding tabs model of the Fusion 360 prisms

Scale 1:1 (with the Fusion 360 drawing)

Model 4: Remade model in balsa wood
Few changes: 
- added skylight
- different windows

Scale 1:30, figure 1.7m real life height

Model 5: Final model in balsa wood
- Reorganised floor plan
- Protruding glass windows
- Furnishings included, sheer curtains from baking paper

Scale 1:30, figure 1.7m real life height

Best 10 curated images

March 24
Illustrator ready template for Fusion 360 model of my transitional space 2.5d shape. Learning the useful tools of preparing a laser cut file for future use. Took a decent while to get my head around it but the final outcome is looking good.

March 26
Experimenting with folding techniques. These are X-form spans.

March 28
Plan of ideal space. Notes on things that are added and/or changed.
April 4
Scenes of the new ideal space. Includes: bedside, sliding glass door to balcony and protruding window, walk-in wardrobe.
April 9
Learning about the Fusion 360 render workspace. Playing around with materials and environments. 
April 9
Learning how to use different functions on Fusion 360 while creating this 3D shape, including offset planes, loft, shell. Issues were experienced while trying to create this shape which I had to learn and problem solve through.

April 9
My Instagram saved images. I curated this small feed as inspiration for all my architecture courses but used these photos specifically for material sources. I love playing around and working with colours, especially those of a more natural tone, to create work that is visually appealing and well put together.

April 11
Photoshopping materials onto a balsa wood model. Used: sandstone, stone, timber, white plastered concrete. While this was quite time consuming and difficult to get around at first, this was the task that I most enjoyed throughout these weeks.

April 22
One of my strongest lighting photos. The light was much more sharp and harsh on the balsa wood models as they did not have the same transparency property as paper, which allowed filtered light through.

April 24
This is my final model. I was incredibly happy with the final look, especially with the protruding windows.

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Assessment Three

100 words Through the process of drawing, both by hand and digitally, and model making, " Tread Light ly" explores the imp...